
東北大学病院 腎臓・高血圧内科





  1. Ito S, Nagasawa T, Abe M, Mori T: Strain Vessel Hypothesis :A viewpoint for linkage of Albuminuria and Carebro-Cardiovascular Risk; Hypertens Res 32; 115-121, 2009
  2. Ogihara T, Saruta T, Rakugi H, Shimamoto K, Ito S, Matsuoka H, Horiuchi M, Imaizumi T, Takishita S, Higaki J, Katayama S, Saito I, Shimada K, on behalf of the COLM study investigators: Rationale, study design and implementation of the COLM study: the combination of OLMesartan and calcium channel blocker or diuretic in high-risk elderly hypertensive patients; Hypertens Res 32; 163-167, 2009
  3. Tanemoto M, Suzuki T, Abe M, Abe T, Ito S: Physiologic variance of corticotropin affects diagnosis in adrenal vein sampling; Euro J Endocrinol 160; 459-463, 2009
  4. Tanemoto M, Suzuki T, Abe M, Abe T, Ito S: Hemodynamic Index of Atheromatous Renal Artery Stenosis for Angioplasty; Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 4; 651-655, 2009
  5. Endo S, Mori T, Yoneki Y, Nakamichi T, Hosoya T, Ogawa S, Tokudome G, Hosoya T, Miyata T, Ito S: Blockade of angiotensin II type-1 receptor increases salt sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats; Hypertens Res 32; 513-519, 2009
  6. Jin C, Hu C, Polichnowski A, Mori T, Skelton M, Ito S, Cowley AW Jr.: Effects of Renal Perfusion Pressure on Renal Medullary Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide Production; Hypertension 53; 1048-1053, 2009
  7. Ishizuka T, Ogawa S, Mori T, Nako K, Nakamichi T, Oka Y, Ito S: Characteristics of the antibodies of two patients who developed daytime hyperglycemia and morning hypoglycemia because of insulin antibodies; Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 84; e21-e29, 2009
  8. Nakayama M, Kabayama S, Nakano H, Zhu WJ, Terawaki H, Nakayama K, Katoh K, Satoh T, Ito S: Biological effects of electrolyzed water in hemodialysis; Nephron Clin Pract 112; c9-c15, 2009
  9. Guo Q, Mori T, Jiang Y, Hu C, Osaki Y, Yoneki Y, Sun Y, Hosoya T, Kawamata A, Ogawa S, Nakayama M, Miyata T, Ito S: Methylglyoxal contributes to the development of insulin resistance and salt sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats; J Hypertens 27(8); 1664-1671, 2009
  10. Ogawa S, Kobori H, Ohashi N, Urushihara M, Nishiyama A, Mori T, Ishizuka T, Nako K, Ito S: Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers Reduce Urinary Angiotensinogen Excretion and the Levels of Urinary Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy; Biomark Insights; 4; 97-102, 2009
  11. Ozaki H, Mori K, Nakagawa Y, Hoshikawa S, Ito S, Inoue Y, Takai T, Yoshida K: Autoimmune thyroiditis in Fcgamma receptor-deficient nonobese diabetic mice; Clin Immunol; 132(2):291-293, 2009
  12. Mori K, Nakagawa Y, Hoshikawa S, Ozaki H, Ito S, Yoshida K: Does rosuvastatin offer therapeutic potential in autoimmune thyroiditis in nonobese diabetic mice? Clin Immunol;130(3):375-377, 2009
  13. Mori K, Yoshida K, Mihara M, Ohsugi Y, Nakagawa Y, Hoshikawa S, Ozaki H, Ito S: Effects of interleukin-6 blockade on the development of autoimmune thyroiditis in nonobese diabetic mice; Autoimmunity 42(3):228-234, 2009
  14. Ogihara T, Kikuchi K, Matsuoka H, Fujita T, Higaki J, Horiuchi M, Imai Y, Imaizumi T, Ito S, Iwao H, Kario K, Kawano Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S, Kimura G, Matsubara H, Matsuura H, Naruse M, Saito I, Shimada K, Shimamoto K, Suzuki H, Takishita S, Tanahashi N, Tsuchihashi T, Uchiyama M, Ueda S, Ueshima H, Umemura S, Ishimitsu T, Rakugi H: The Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension (JSH 2009); Hypertens Res 32(1):3-107, 2009
  15. Hashimoto J, Ito S: Some mechanical aspects of arterial aging: physiological overview based on pulse wave analysis; Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis 3(5):367-378, 2009
  16. Toyohara T, Suzuki T, Morimoto R, Akiyama Y, Souma T, Shiwaku HO, Takeuchi Y, Mishima E, Abe M, Tanemoto M, Masuda S, Kawano H, Maemura K, Nakayama M, Sato H, Mikkaichi T, Yamaguchi H, Fukui S, Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H, Inui K, Terasaki T, Goto J, Ito S, Hishinuma T, Rubera I, Tauc M, Fujii-Kuriyama Y, Yabuuchi H, Moriyama Y, Soga T, Abe T: SLCO4C1 transporter eliminates uremic toxins and attenuates hypertension and renal inflammation; J Am Soc Nephrol 20(12): 2546-2555, 2009
  17. Okamura M, Kudo H, Wakabayashi K, Tanaka T, Nonaka A, Uchida A, Tsutsumi S, Sakakibara I, Naito M, Osborne TF, Hamakubo T, Ito S, Aburatani H, Yanagisawa M, Kodama T, Sakai J: COUP-TFII acts downstream of Wnt/b-catenin signal to silence PPARg gene expression and repress adipogenesis; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Apr 7;106(14):5819-24.
  18. Wakabayashi K, Okamura M, Tsutsumi S, Nishikawa N, Tanaka T, Sakakibara I, Kitakami J, Ihara S, Hashimoto Y, Hamakubo T, Kodama T, Aburatani H, Sakai J: PPARg/RXRa Heterodimer Targets Gene of Histone Modification Enzyme PR-Setd8 and Regulates Adipogenesis through a Positive Feedback Loop; Mol Cell Biol. 2009 July;29(13):3544-55.
  19. Inagaki T, Tachibana M, Magoori K, Kudo H, Tanaka T, Okamura M, Naito M, Kodama T, Shinkai Y, Sakai J: Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Histone Demethylase JHDM2a Deficient Mice; Genes to Cells, 2009 Aug;14(8):991-1001.
  20. Sakakibara I, Fujino T, Ishii M, Tanaka T, Shimokawa T, Miura S, Zhang W, Tokutake Y, Yamamoto J, Awano M, Iwasaki S, Motoike T, Okamura M, Inagaki T, Kita K, Ezaki O, Naito M, Kuwaki T, Chohnan S, Yamamoto T, Hammer RE, Kodama T, Yanagisawa M, Sakai J: Fasting induced hypothermia and reduced energy production in mice lacking acetyl-CoA synthetase 2; Cell Metab. 2009 Feb;9(2):191-202.
  21. Mori T, Ito S. Carbonyl stress in hypertension, insulin resistance and chronic kidney disease. IMARS highlights. 2009; 4(1):15.
  22. Tanemoto M,. Mishima E., Takeuchi Y. and Abe T: Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation during adrenal vein sampling; Hypertension 54: e23, 2009
  23. Ohta M, Okuyama R, Ogawa E, Kisu K, Sato H, Aoki M, Aiba S: Cutaneous accumulation of abnormal polyglutamine proteins of patients with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy; Eur J Neurol, 10: 1468-1331, 2009
  24. Hirose T, Mori N, Totsune K, Morimoto R, Maejima T, Kawamura T, Metoki H, Asayama K, Kikuya M, Ohkubo T, Kohzuki M, Takahashi K, Imai Y. Gene expression of (pro)renin receptor is upregulated in hearts and kidneys of rats with congestive heart failure. Peptides. ;30(12):2316-22, 2009
  25. Takahashi K, Hirose T, Mori N, Morimoto R, Kohzuki M, Imai Y, Totsune K. The renin-angiotensin system, adrenomedullins and urotensin II in the kidney: possible renoprotection via the kidney peptide systems. Peptides. 2009 Aug;30(8):1575-85
  26. Nakamura Y, Hornsby PJ, Casson P, Morimoto R, Satoh F, Xing Y, Kennedy MR, Sasano H, Rainey WE. Type 5 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (AKR1C3) contributes to testosterone production in the adrenal reticularis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 94(6):2192-8, 2009
  27. Nakamura M, Miki Y, Akahira J, Morimoto R, Satoh F, Ishidoya S, Arai Y, Suzuki T, Hayashi Y, Sasano H. An analysis of potential surrogate markers of target-specific therapy in archival materials of adrenocortical carcinoma. Endocr Pathol. 2009 Spring;20(1):17-23
  28. Okamura M, Inagaki T, Tanaka T and Sakai J: Role of histone methylation and demethylation in adipogenesis and obesity; Organogenesis. 2010, 6(1); 1-9. Review.


  1. 森建文:浮腫(2)非循環器系 今日の診断指針 第6版 32-35
  2. 森建文:低ナトリウム血症 今日の治療指針volume51 468-469
  3. 井上英行、森建文、佐藤文俊、伊藤貞嘉:高血圧と電解質異常;HeartView13(10); 1108-1112, 2009
  4. 森建文:体の中からアンチエイジング~健康寿命の延長を目指して~ 保健のしおり2009,2
  5. 森建文:慢性腎臓病患者治療に対する新しいアプローチ:基礎から臨床へ 東北医師121:142,2009 
  6. 川俣彰裕、森建文、細谷拓真、米城淑美、三井栄子、長谷川洋子、太田美智、伊藤めぐみ、佐藤洋美、情野千文、佐藤寿伸、伊藤貞嘉、飛田渉:学生健診における生活習慣生体情報マーカーの検討 平成20年度高等教育開発推進センター紀要
  7. 細谷拓真、望月静枝、森建文、米城淑美、大崎雄介、金須清美、小川晋、佐藤博、伊藤貞嘉:TranilastおよびInsulinが糖尿病Dahl食塩感受性高血圧ラットの腎障害・腎内脂質に及ぼす影響 Therapeutic Research vol.30 no.9 2009 11-12
  8. 川俣彰裕、森建文、細谷拓真、米城淑美、三井栄子、長谷川洋子、太田美智、伊藤めぐみ、佐藤洋美、情野千文、佐藤寿伸、伊藤貞嘉、飛田渉.若年者における肥満と慢性腎臓病関連生体情報の開発 Therapeutic Research vol.30 no.9 2009 13-14
  9. 井上英行、森建文、佐藤文俊、伊藤貞嘉. 高血圧と電解質異常 Heart View Vol.13 No.10,2009,32-36
  10. 森建文:研究の窓辺 血圧vol.16 no.9 2009
  11. 川俣彰裕、森建文、細谷拓真、米城淑美、三井栄子、長谷川洋子、太田美智、伊藤めぐみ、佐藤洋美、情野千文、佐藤寿伸、伊藤貞嘉、飛田渉:学生健診における生活習慣生体情報マーカーの検討 東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要第4号 2009,3
  12. 中道崇、伊藤貞嘉:The effects and new insights of ARB on CKD management;日本臨床67(4): 783-7,2009
  13. 岩倉芳倫、森本玲、工藤正孝、村上治、高瀬圭、日向野修一、高橋昭喜、池田秀敏、佐藤文俊、伊藤貞嘉:術後下垂体機能が回復したACTH産生macroadenomaによるCushing病の一例;日本内分泌学会雑誌 Vol. 85 Suppl.;10-13, 2009